We are here for you!

Shopping in our winery is still possible during the Corona period during the usual opening times. If you wish, we can take your order in advance of your visit and prepare the wine for collection. We are happy to accept your order via email (info@keller-weingut.de), by phone (06362 8718) or via our online shop (www.keller-weingut.de). But you can also come to us without registering.

Your Keller family

Jahrgangsprobe Weingut Keller                      Jahrgangsprobe vom Balkon

Every year, on the last Saturday in June, the famous wine tasting of the freshly filled wines takes place in our winery. June 26, 2021 is reserved for it this year.


Weinprobe im Weinberg

we carry out wine tastings all year round, combined with guided tours of the vineyards, regional food and subsequent cellar and distillery tours. In the summer months, wine tastings, hikes and hearty meals in the "Wingert" (vinyard) are an enriching change. If we have piqued your interest, we look forward to your registration in your

Weingut Gunther Keller "Burg Löwenstein"
Hauptstrasse 10, 67822 Niedermoschel
Mail: info@keller-weingut.de
Tel .: +49 (0)6362-8718
Fax:  +49 (0)6362-993826